- The Best Dog Training Book
- 1. The Art of Raising a Puppy By Monks of New Skete
- 2. Lucky Dog Lessons By Brandon McMillan
- 3. Training the Best Dog Ever By Larry Kay
- 4. 101 Dog Tricks By Kyra Sundance
- 5. How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend By Monks of New Skete
- 6. Cesar’s Way By Cesar Millan
- 7. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution By Zak George
- 8. It’s Me or the Dog By Victoria Stilwell
- 9. The Power of Positive Dog Training By Pat Miller
- 10. How to Raise the Perfect Dog By Cesar Millan
- 11. Decoding Your Dog By A. C. V. B.
- 12. Puppy Training for Kids By Colleen Pelar
- 13. Don’t Shoot the Dog! By Karen Pryor
- 14. The Other End of the Leash By Patricia McConnell
- 15. Team Dog By Mike Ritland
Every pet parent we know wishes that his or her pet dog is able to play tricks, follow commands, display desirable behaviors, or even become a superstar on YouTube or some talent show competition on TV. The only way you can achieve this is by training your pet. There are two ways you can go about training your dog. You can hire the services of a professional dog trainer which can be mighty expensive. Or you can start reading dog training books to get an idea of the basics and work your way from there. Obviously, we’d all want to be personally involved in the training of our dogs. After all, they are members of our family. And with the best dog training books we searched for and evaluated on the market you’re definitely one step closer to having a well-behaved, well-mannered, and truly-talented dog.
The Best Dog Training Book
1. The Art of Raising a Puppy By Monks of New Skete
If you’re like us who believes in the value of training dogs right from puppyhood you’ll want to get your hands on the Monks of New Skete’s The Art of Raising a Puppy. Acclaimed as one of the best puppy training books, the Art of Raising a Puppy is every pet parent’s best companion in making sure that his or her little hound will grow up to be the best canine in the neighborhood.
With sections on puppy play, crate training, and raising puppies and dogs in various environments including the urban setting, this is definitely one of the best dog training books you can ever find. Our favorite dog-loving monks impart their knowledge based on years-long experience working with German shepherds, giving to the rest of the dog-loving community invaluable information and advice that will make them into wonder pet parents, too.
Everyone deserves a good read especially on responsible pet parenthood. With this read from the Monks of New Skete, don’t you think you deserve the best puppy training book in the world?
2. Lucky Dog Lessons By Brandon McMillan
A good pet parent should have patience and perseverance, especially in dog training. If you simply lack these traits maybe Brandon McMillan’s Lucky Dog Lessons will be an exceptional help.
McMillan’s dog training guide promises to turn any dog into a model companion in as short as 7 days. It doesn’t matter if it’s only a puppy, a hound you rescued from the shelter, or a dog that is known for being a spoiled 4-legged brat. McMillan’s unique take on how even the most ‘unadoptable’, unwanted, and untrained dog can be converted into a trusting, loving, and obedient hound is the kind of guide that pet parents need to build trust and establish focus and control in their dog training activities.
It’s the best rated dog training book for individuals who honestly believe that all dogs are worth saving, even the most challenging ones.
3. Training the Best Dog Ever By Larry Kay
One of the best dog obedience training books you can get your hands on is this masterpiece from Kay and Sylvia-Stasiewicz. Training the Best Dog Ever is a dog training guide that emphasizes the principles of positive reinforcement. The book emphasizes dogs’ inherent need for approval, for social recognition.
Dogs excel more when they know that they are receiving attention and are given rewards for the things they do. It’s more like dog training for dummies since even the most basic commands are illustrated in highly-detailed, step-by-step manner with the interesting and entertaining mix of words and photographs that even an 8-year old kid should be able to master the dog training techniques in no time.
Kay and Sylvia-Stasiewicz provides a complete 5-week program that only requires about 10 to 20 minutes of your time every day to get your hound on the road to becoming the best dog you can ever wish for.
4. 101 Dog Tricks By Kyra Sundance
Sundance and Chalcy are authors of one of the best dog training books on the planet, the 101 Dog Tricks. It’s pretty straightforward and made even ridiculously simpler by step-by-step directions as if you’re a 4-year old kid being given instructions by your mom.
Think of the various tricks you’ve ever wanted to teach your pet but couldn’t because you don’t know how. And while there are plenty of internet resources that can have the same stuff as the best dog obedience training books, many of these resources simply lack the “wow” factor.
The real beauty of dog training is when you manage to incorporate several tricks to form new doggie skills. That’s when you’ll realize that you have a 4-legged dancer right in your home or even the next Air Bud. You definitely need to get one of these top dog training books.
5. How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend By Monks of New Skete
The revered monks of the dog-loving world return, imparting their heavenly wisdom and soulful methods of turning your dog into your best friend in this best rated dog training book. The book has been around for more than 25 years and it still is the measuring stick upon which all other dog training books are measured against.
Everyone knows that dogs are man’s best friend. But the question remains – is man dog’s best friend? Whereas dogs will love you regardless of who you are or how you treat them, it may not be the same the other way around. How to Be Your Dog’s Best Friend doesn’t actually focus on your dog, but rather on you.
The Monks of New Skete know that the welfare of any dog actually lies in the actions of its pet parent.
6. Cesar’s Way By Cesar Millan
Our favorite Dog Whisperer shares his expertise working with various problematic dogs in this 298-page masterpiece that is designed to get you one step closer to understanding the complex nature of dog behavior. Honestly, no one knows what dogs think; but Cesar Millan always seems to have an uncanny connection with dogs that no behavioral problem is so severe for our Dog Whisperer.
One of the best dog training books, Cesar’s Way doesn’t promise you to become a great pet trainer, but promises you better understanding of pet psychology. You can then use this knowledge to respond to your dog and its needs in a more appropriate manner. It’s a how to train your dog book that emphasizes the importance of acknowledging and responding to the unique personalities of individual dogs.
As Cesar Millan always points out in his TV show, there’s no such thing as a problem dog breed; only problem owners.
7. Zak George’s Dog Training Revolution By Zak George
Other authors have a very straightforward, almost dog training for dummies-like approach to canine training. But for George and Port, everything boils down to how well you love your pet and how you can translate this love and affection into more meaningful ways that is best appreciated by your hound.
The Dog Training Revolution gives newbies a hands-on approach to becoming the best pet parent they can be. From choosing the right puppy to the essentials of puppy training and housetraining, this could very well be one of the best puppy training books in the market. There are pointers on how to manage hand-biting, leash pulling, and other dog behaviors that can be really annoying especially to inexperienced pet parents. There are also activities you can enjoy with your pets as well as trick and tips that will make you a better pet parent.
This dog training guide is all you need to become a responsible modern-day pet parent.
8. It’s Me or the Dog By Victoria Stilwell
It’s Me of the Dog is Victoria Stilwell’s maiden venture into the writing of dog training books. Best known for her gutsy, spunky attitude, Stilwell’s caring methods of dog training shines through in this how to train your dog book that talks more about giving dogs the right tools they need to live in a human-dominated world.
You can always liken the book to a literature on raising kids. From basic understanding of puppy behavior to canine communication, It’s Me or the Dog follows the same basic principle espoused by many pet behaviorists telling the world that problem dogs are not the issue; it’s the person who is supposed to care for his or her dog whether the person is doing the right thing or not.
Stillwell reminds pet parents that dog training is never about imposing your will on your pet; it’s empowering your dog to be the best it can be.
9. The Power of Positive Dog Training By Pat Miller
Believers of positive reinforcement techniques in dog training will love Pat Miller’s simple, very informative work on the Power of Positive Dog Training. It’s the best puppy training book that will endear you more to your young hound, preparing you for a lifetime of companionship, endless fun, and mutual respect that all pet parents should definitely have with their respective dogs.
It’s all about believing in the importance of using positivism rather than negativity in bringing out the best in any dog. It’s a book that places so much weight on a dog’s body language and how your understanding of subtle nonverbal cues from your 4-legged friend can spell the difference between a loving and well-rounded dog and an unhappy and destructive hound.
The Power of Positive Dog Training empowers you to enjoy the many benefits that only man’s best friend can provide.
10. How to Raise the Perfect Dog By Cesar Millan
Raising dogs is like raising kids. It’s a commitment that lasts for as long as the dog lives and perhaps even beyond. How to Raise the Perfect Dog is our Dog Whisperer’s personal take on what pet parents should do to lay down the solid building blocks for a happy and healthy hound.
Millan and Peltier share their expertise in creating a nurturing environment for your pet so that behavioral issues can be avoided. And if there are breakthrough cases of canine behavioral issues, you’ll definitely be glad that Cesar and Melissa will be there providing pointers, tips, and other pieces of advice that will help you address such problems; not personally, of course.
How to Raise the Perfect Dog is the best puppy training book you can have. It’s like having Cesar whisper in your ears what you need to do to make you a better pack leader. It’s the kind of encouragement that you can always rely on.
11. Decoding Your Dog By A. C. V. B.
Having a clear understanding of basic dog behavior is crucial to knowing how best to address behavioral problems. With the experts from the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists sharing their professional knowledge, Decoding Your Dog might as well be one of the best dog training books that focuses more on dog behavior as a basis for everything else.
This best rated dog training book may be written by the experts, but you can bet that the manner in which it is presented is pretty simple and straightforward for easier understanding. If you’ve been wondering what is going on in your pet’s brain every time it behaves in a certain way, now’s the time to gain a much better understanding of just about anything dog-related.
The top dog training books that provide scientific framework to almost everything doesn’t have to be too technical. As the Decoding Your Dog proves, even experts have a soft side to them.
12. Puppy Training for Kids By Colleen Pelar
We always say that dogs are members of our family, but have you also taken the time to teach your kid how to properly care for his or her 4-legged ‘brother’ or ‘sister’? You may already be well-versed with the proper care and training of dogs, but your kid surely isn’t.
Colleen Pelar understands this. That’s why she wrote Puppy Training Kids as one of the best puppy training books that is designed specifically to prepare children on becoming little pet parents in their own right. After all, kids and puppies are a match made in heaven. Puppy Training for Kids is one of those dog training books that are best geared for young members of a family, empowering them to be responsible for the care of their little dogs. It teaches responsibility that they will hopefully bring into their adult life.
From puppy training to deciphering puppy behavior, this is a book that empowers your little one, preparing him or her to become a good pet parent in the future.
13. Don’t Shoot the Dog! By Karen Pryor
Emphasizing the importance of positive reinforcement, Karen Pryor’s Don’t Shoot the Dog! is a pet parent’s savior when it comes to training your pet irrespective of breed, temperament, and any prior history of undesirable behavior. Like all canine behaviorist, Pryor believes that positive reinforcement techniques can bring out the best in any pooch.
Clearly one of the best dog obedience training books, Don’t Shoot the Dog! explains the 10 laws of shaping canine behavior, allowing pet parents to have a more hassle-free time training and teaching their pets without ever resorting to yelling, punishment, and even inflicting harm. It is just not the way of the positive reinforce.
The good thing about this dog training guide is that the principles can actually be applied in other life situations such as personal addictions and other behavioral problems that pet parents may have. It’s a great tool however you look at it.
14. The Other End of the Leash By Patricia McConnell
In case you’re confused, The Other End of the Leash talks not about your dog but rather you; unless, of course you have a robot holding the other end of your dog’s leash. This Patricia McConnell masterpiece is best regarded as one of the more interesting dog training books in that it focuses more on the behavior of pet parents.
Ultimately, this dog training guide talks more about certain human behaviors can have a significant impact on the behavior of dogs. For instance, the modifying the sound of your voice can elicit largely varied responses from your pet. Technically, it is still you. The only difference is in the manner of your speaking or the pitch of your voice that can elicit a different response from your dog.
McConnell’s how to train your dog book gives us a new perspective on how dogs behave. It’s a good wake-up call if you want to put it bluntly.
15. Team Dog By Mike Ritland
Mike Ritland’s Team Dog gives pet parents a different kind of approach to teaching and training their dogs, putting them in the shoes of a Navy SEAL Team leader in charge of their pet’s overall welfare and performance. It’s a different take on the same old stuff, giving pet parents a look at how members of the military train their service dogs.
While the terms used in this dog training guide may have a more military tone in it, the principles are essentially the same. It talks about pet parents having to assume the command of the team and employ ‘situational awareness’ to make sure that their dogs receive the best possible care.
Team Dog solidifies your role as the team leader in your own little special group. It’s a specially-entertaining read, too.
Best Dog Training Book Buying Guide
What to Look for When Buying a Dog Training Book
Picking a dog training book is actually not different from buying any other title; that is if you’ve already bought books in your life. The good news is that buying a dog training book can be quite easy if you keep in mind the following things.
- Purpose
Any book that is worth buying should be one that can provide you with the information that you require. The same is true when it comes to buying dog training books. Since there are various aspects of dog training it is essential to look at the contents of the book to determine if it will satisfy your hunger for knowledge. For example, there are those that cater mostly to understanding dog behavior, care of puppies, management of canine behavioral issues, and a whole lot more. You have to be clear about what you expect from a book so it will always be worth reading.
- Format and readership focus
Some books contain very technical information that they are best reserved for individuals who already have an advanced understanding of the various concepts. These are basically written to provide additional information, usually as a means of strengthening prior concepts related to the care, management, and training of dogs. Theories and models are expounded as if you’re reading a scientific journal.
There are also books that are written for beginners complete with fun and entertaining diagrams or images. These are ideal for individuals who are just starting out in the world of pet ownership and may have no idea whatsoever about certain terms such as positive reinforcement, clicker training, crate training, and even potty training for puppies.
And then there are those top dog training books that are written especially for pet parents who are no longer new to the game, but are also not experts in the field of pet training and care. These are the kinds of books that are best for the majority of pet parents.
- Validity and reliability of content
It’s quite difficult to establish the validity and reliability of the content of a book. One of the ways in which you can assert this is by looking at the publication date. You should know that a lot has changed in the past few decades related to how we take care of our pets. For example, using punishment as a means of training dogs is now passé. Instead, positive reinforcement is becoming mainstream.
- Ratings and reviews
This much is obvious. You want to read a book that has good reviews and excellent ratings. The sad thing about books is that, just like everything else, you’ve got to buy it first before you’ll know if it is the kind of book that you really want. Reviews and ratings can help you decide whether a book is a good read or not.
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Benefits of Reading Dog Training Books
Reading dog training books can help you gain a better understanding of your dog. This understanding can easily translate to better care for your pet as you now have an idea why it is behaving in a certain way. You will be meeting its needs based on what your dog thinks it really needs and not what you think it should get. Remember, being a pet parent is all about nurturing the growth potential of your ward so they grow up to be really good dogs. You are not supposed to impose your will on them. Your job is to understand them and use this understanding to become a better pet parent.
Reading dog training books also help strengthen your bond with your pet. Because you now have an idea of what it is trying to tell you through its body language, you’re able to meet its needs a lot better. This also means that you’ll be able to communicate with your pet a lot easier. With improved communication comes a stronger bond between you and your pet.
Reading dog training books can also give you peace of mind. Gone are the days when you still have to second-guess what your dog is trying to convey to you or why it is behaving in such a manner that is driving you crazy. You’ll be able to take care of its needs and make sure that your dog grows happy and healthy.
Our Top Pick
We’ve always been a firm believer of the value of starting the training of dogs early in their lives as a means to ensuring they’ll grow into the kind of dogs that we envision them to be. It is for this reason that our best dog training book is The Art of Raising a Puppy. It’s a 352-page masterpiece written specifically for pet parents of puppies to help them raise their young hounds to become the best that they can be.
Training dogs is a responsibility that automatically comes with pet parenthood. The moment you brought your dog into your home, you’re already bound by this unwritten and unspoken rule in the pet-loving world. With these best dog training books you’ll feel more confident about your capabilities to carry out this responsibility.
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